Supports for Students

Current research emphasizes the need for both preventive and remedial approaches to meet the needs of struggling students. Gage's preventive program includes activities designed to promote positive behaviors, anticipate future problems, and provide early intervention strategies, Our remedial program includes activities that deal with existing problems or immediate needs. There is a school counselor on site three days a week, a school psychologist on site 4 days a week, and a guidance aide who is here daily.

Programs to support students:
Parent Conferencing and Assistance: Individual conferences are scheduled with each parent two or more times a year, depending on the need. Specific student needs and assistive strategies are discussed. Parent conferences are also available upon parent request.

Referrals to community agencies
Our school counselor is here to assist families with issues that may be interfering with a student's academic progress. Counselors can refer families to community agencies.

Student Study Team (SST)
This team meets bi-weekly to address special needs of students (academic, personal, social, health, and language development). The team consists of an administrator, nurse, district counselor, resource specialist, speech therapist, psychologist, and classroom teacher. Parents are invited to attend and other specialists may be invited.

Supportive Individualized Counseling
This service may be short-term, or children may be scheduled for regular appointments.

Problem Solving
Students with problems such as fighting, disruptive behavior, and defiance may be referred for counseling and problem solving activities.

Guidance Groups
Guidance groups are available for the student who needs support in dealing with divorce, learning conflict management, handling peer relations, and making good decisions.

Students may need time away from the classroom for a temporary change of environment with a chance to think things over. Appropriate counseling is offered, and students return to their classroom within 30 minutes.

Restorative Justice:

Restorative justice empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups, and it's a growing practice at schools around the country. Essentially, the idea is to bring students together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and air their grievances.

In-school Suspension
Students who exhibit severe behavior problems may be sent by the administrator or teacher to spend one or two days. Prior to a child serving time in in-school suspension, the administrator or teacher will contact parents. The teacher will provide independent academic work for the student. Counseling for behavior modification and parental support is an important part of this program.

Lunch with the Principal
Students can earn "Caught being good" cards for being good citizens during recess. Teachers and recess duty aides will give cards to students when they observe students performing acts of kindness. Cards are placed in a box and winners are drawn each week to have lunch with the principal.

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